Escher Associates has been providing custom appraisal services and valuation advice to private, corporate, and institutional clients for over 40 years.
Each appraisal is unique, thoroughly researched, and carefully considered. Contact us to learn more!

Why get an appraisal?
An appraisal helps you understand the value of your art, ensuring its protection, preservation, and responsible management.
Whatever the size of your collection, appropriate insurance coverage provides peace of mind knowing that you will be able to repair or replace your property in the event of a loss.
Estate Planning
Appraisals play an essential role in developing your legacy, helping you divide assets, or consider charitable donations.
Escher Associates
Provides valuation advice, securing your legacy for generations to come.
Earthquakes, Mudslides, Fires & Riots
Protection against loss, theft, or damage is crucial; we work closely with our clients and their insurers to provide appropriate coverage. An insurance appraisal provides both peace of mind and the necessary documentation should disaster strike, helping you recover the full value of your property.
If an artwork gets damaged, we work with your insurance provider or adjustor to oversee the claim and make a plan to implement any necessary conservation.
While you can’t predict or prevent every disaster, thorough preparation can decrease the likelihood of damage to your collection; response and recovery planning can lessen the severity of any damage that does occur. Let us help you with disaster planning by drawing attention to vulnerabilities that you may not have identified in order to safeguard your collection before, during, and after an emergency.
Fair Market Value appraisals can play an essential role in developing your legacy, helping you divide assets, or consider charitable donations for today or in the future.
Retrospective appraisals are frequently required for properties inherited long ago.
We recognize the vital role that museums, libraries, and nonprofit organizations play in our communities. They often rely heavily on private patronage. Historically, philanthropic art donations have helped to establish and shape some of the most important public collections throughout the US. In the current climate, with art prices reaching new heights, it is more challenging for museums to fill in gaps and diversify their collections.
When certain conditions are met by both the donor and the recipient institution, donations may entitle you to a tax benefit. If the Fair Market Value of the artwork is $5,000 or more, the IRS requires the donor to submit an appraisal.
Equitable distribution is a method of dividing property at the time of divorce or inheritance. A Fair Market Value appraisal can provide impartial and objective guidance to ensure the fair division of property. It provides a roadmap to the market and allows you to make informed decisions regarding your assets.
Nancy Escher, ASA, has served as an expert witness in Federal Tax Court, Criminal, and Civil Court, and has given depositions in preparation for civil and criminal proceedings involving insurance fraud, theft, and damage and loss claims.
An appraisal is a roadmap to the market, a helpful tool for making informed decisions by identifying the appropriate value and best avenues for sale, gift, or donation. A well researched Appraisal Report provides an up to date dossier of your property that will simplify the deaccessioning process.
Escher Associates offers comprehensive services in addition to appraisals. These can include advice regarding acquisitions, asset management, collection management, provenance research, recommendations, and guidance for preservation or conservation treatments.
All appraisal reports prepared by Escher Associates are in accordance with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) and comply with Principles of Appraisal Practice and Code of Ethics of the American Society of Appraisers (ASA). In accordance with these standards, all our reports are confidential and no part of the report will be released to anyone without the client’s written permission.

Artworks: Lucio Fontana, Concetto Spaziale, Attesse, 1967, waterpaint on canvas 19-3/4 x 24-1/2 in.; Sam Francis, Free Floating Clouds, 1980, acrylic on canvas, 125 x 254 in., Collection: The Huntington Library, San Marino, CA [A2008.30]. Gift of the Sam Francis Foundation (2009). Artwork Sam Francis Foundation, California/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York; James Turrell, Picture Plane, 2002-04, theater roof, retractable roof, lighting and electronics; Robert Irwin, Untitled (disc painting), 1966-67, acrylic lacquer on shaped aluminum. Ansel Adams, Tetons and the Snake River, 1942; Maxime du Camp, Pyramids of Giza, 1849, Getty.